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My favourite movie

My favourite movie is Paterson, by Jim Jarmusch. The film tells the story of a man named Paterson who lives in a town called Paterson, where he drives a bus and writes poetry. The plot is flat, not many things happen and it doesn't have a big climax, but its beauty lies in the way that the main characer, portrayed by Adam Driver, observes the town and the people who rides the bus everyday, incorporating the beauty of everyday things into his poetry. The movie also shows the relationship between Paterson and his wife, who is an artist that is constantly transforming their house into a work of art, making the film visually appealing. I'm a big fan of Jim Jarmusch because his work is always really diverse, you can find movies that tell stories as simple as this one, to others about vampires and zombies. However, he mantains his signature style marked by the constant use of music and long shots that allow you to explore the cinematic world that is created through the art directio

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